Newcastle College Celebrates Inspirational Students with Student of the Month Awards
24 November 2023
Each month Newcastle and Stafford Colleges Group hold a ‘Student of the Month’ awards presentation that highlights and recognises the individual effort, progress and dedication of students who go above and beyond throughout the year.
This month saw the October round of nominees collect their awards. A huge thank you to Steve Tellwright, People and Quality Director from Capula for joining us and presenting the learners with their awards as we highlighted and recognised the individual efforts, progress and dedication of our students.
The presentations included a number of inspirational stories from staff about their nominees, including; students overcoming personal challenges and going above and beyond on their chosen courses with exemplary attendance and hard work.
Declan Rochelle Peake
Nominated for Student of the Month in the Faculty of Vocational Studies, Declan has made an inspirational start to his time at college. Declan came to NSCG from Newfriars, which has been a big adjustment, but he has worked hard to settle in and enjoy college life. Declan is incredibly positive in every lesson, always willing to learn and engage with his peers, and the whole team agrees he is an absolute pleasure to teach. Declan has also been teaching staff braille and has fully participated in a project to create Christmas decorations with his brailler. Congratulations!
Trinity Davis
Nominated for Student of the Month in the Faculty of Academic and Creative Studies, Trinity has made a fantastic start to college life, showing amazing work ethic and having a positive impact on everyone around her. Trinity has recently been awarded the role of Young Poet Laureate for Staffordshire, a prestigious competition where she put her heart and soul into the opportunity. She has already achieved her target grade across her first assessments, and is always incredibly supportive of everyone in her classes, never too busy to help someone who is struggling. Congratulations!
Brad Riley
Nominated for Student of the Month in the Faculty of Professional Studies, Brad has made excellent progress since starting on the Return to Learn short course. Although the Access pathway is not the traditional route into his desired career of Finance and Accounting, Brad’s maturity shows in recognising that this is a stepping stone for the future. Brad has also taken on the role of Student Ambassador and class rep, where he has continued to thrive. Brad’s amazing sense of humour and character shines through in everything he does, and he has grown into one of the most engaging and enthusiastic learners who has excellent attendance and punctuality and who constantly shows a real desire and strong drive to succeed. Congratulations!
Congratulations to all other students on their outstanding achievements and the admirable commitment shown to their studies.
Academic and Creative Studies Award - Gail Hopkins & Trinity Davis
Vocational Studies Award – Declan Rochelle-Peake, Erin Knock, Jessica Emery & Paris King
Professional Studies Award - Abigail Turner, Brad Riley & Grace Borthwick
Maths & English Award - Jack Allan-Bowes Skills & Technology Award - Fran Dudek
Apprentice of the Month Award - Owen Lovatt & Jack Lewis