Newcastle College celebrates student success with 'Student of the Month' awards
06 October 2023
Each month Newcastle and Stafford Colleges Group hold a ‘Student of the Month’ awards presentation that highlights and recognises the individual effort, progress and dedication of students who go above and beyond throughout the year.
This month saw the first round of nominees of the academic year collect their awards. A huge thank you to Catherine Crockett from Lila Connect for joining us and presenting the learners with their awards as we highlighted and recognised the individual efforts, progress and dedication of our students.
The presentations included a number of inspirational stories from staff about their nominees, including; selfless fundraising activity, students overcoming personal challenges and going above and beyond on their chosen courses with exemplary attendance and hard work.
Ashley Terry
Ashley was nominated for Student of the Month in the Faculty of Skills and Technology for the amazingly positive impression she has made on staff and fellow classmates since beginning her Bricklaying course. She has displayed an incredible amount of determination and unwavering enthusiasm for every aspect despite the personal challenges she has recently faced with having to rely on a temporary crutch following leg surgeries. In spite of the hurdles faced, Ashley's punctuality and attendance has been exemplary and her practical work is always of a very high standard.
Oliver Wooton and Joe Tate
Oliver and Joe were jointly recognised to receive the Student of the Month Award in the Faculty of Professional Studies. The Sport and Exercise Science students recently cycled more than 200 miles to raise funds for Cancer Research UK, a cause close to both of their hearts. As well the selfless charity work, the two also work part-time as lifeguards and both show great commitment to their studies with 100% attendance, exhibiting a strong work ethic in everything they do and consistently working to a very high standard.
You can follow Oliver and Joe's fundraising efforts and donate, here.
Rebecca Pritchard
Rebecca was nominated for the Student of the Month Awards in the Faculty of Academic and Creative Studies for showing great maturity and positivity recently. Working exceptionally hard in preparation for securing a place at University, Rebecca has sought out every opportunity available to her. Over the summer, talented photographer Rebecca had her image – Nature’s Movie – chosen to feature in the Royal Academy of Arts’ Young Artists’ Summer Show and having been a Girl Guide leader for a number of years, Rebecca tirelessly fundraised for a trip to Kenya. Unfortunately, after months of planning, she was unable to attend due to testing positive for Covid but despite this disappointment, Rebecca showed true resilience and maturity.
Congratulations to all other students on their outstanding achievements and the admirable commitment shown to their studies.
Julia Rychlak - Academic and Creative Studies Award
Tammy Jeffries - Vocational Studies Award
Josh Knott- Vocational Studies Award
Maisie Scott - Vocational Studies Award
Izzy Hussain - Vocational Studies Award
Kirsty Bowker - Professional Studies Award
Ethan Copeland - Professional Studies Award
Oliver Lawton - Maths and English Award
James Beasley - Apprentice of the Month Award