Artistic learners create incredible work for the Rotary Club of Stafford
30 June 2023
To celebrate the Rotary Club of Stafford reaching its 100 year milestone, NSCG learners were tasked with designing a range of posters and flyers to mark the special occasion.
BTEC and A Level graphic design students at Stafford College took part in a competition to create a host of celebratory assets as part of the Rotary Club of Stafford’s centenary celebrations.
The club’s president, Gwyn Williams, worked closely with the first year students who were tasked with designing a poster and flyer to raise awareness of the support the club has been providing for the local community for the past 100 years.
Curriculum Leader for A Level Art & Graphic Design, Academic and Creative Studies, Dan Pellow, said: “It was a very successful collaboration for the students to be involved in as it gave them a taste of working on a ‘live’ project with a client who supplied parameters for them, giving them some insight into what it would be like to work in the Industry after education.
“As every first year student on the BTEC and A Level Graphics courses were involved it made for a broad range of designs for the Rotary Club to choose from and they were very impressed with the quality of the work.”
Curriculum Leader for Level 3 Graphic Design, Academic and Creative Studies, Dave Holdcroft, said: “I’m really pleased with how the students responded to the live brief and their approach in researching the project. They took on board all feedback and worked well throughout.
“The work produced was of a very high standard, they should all be very proud of themselves.”
Students predominantly used Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop to create their works of art with students Amelia Bomba and Finley Dickson’s designs chosen as overall winners.
BTEC Level 3 Graphic Design student, Amelia Bomba’s vibrant design was the poster winner. She said: “Working on a live brief was really challenging at first as I’ve never done anything like this before but it was a great experience.
“I did lots of independent research on the Rotary Club and used this to inspire my design. I wanted to make it quite fresh but in-keeping with other posters that they’ve made before so they were comfortable with the design.
“The best thing about the project was finally meeting the Rotary Club members as all we’d seen previously was the brief so it was great to finally meet Gwyn and the club. I’m really happy they like my design.”
A Level Graphic Design student, Finley Dickson, used Photoshop to design his winning flyer. He said: “I really enjoyed the experience of working on a live brief as it gave us an idea of what it’ll be like working in the real world.
“I also enjoyed learning about the history of the Club and wanted to make sure my design was very Stafford-focused so I incorporated landmarks and local buildings in my design as well as the Club’s logo.
“I wasn’t expecting to be chosen so it was really nice to find out that my design had been and I’m pleased they liked it.”
The Rotary Club kindly donated £300 to Stafford College’s Graphic Design department as a thank you for the student’s hard work.
President of Stafford’s Rotary Club, Gwyn Williams, said: “The students did a super job and we are so happy with the results. They responded to the brief perfectly and produced some outstanding designs.
“We tend to think of ourselves as an aged-bunch and so we needed the fresh perspective of the students to make something colourful and attractive and they did a brilliant job. We’ll use the designs now to make flyers and posters that we’ll hand out at the community and fundraising events we’re holding to celebrate our 100 year birthday and we’re also making Amelia’s design into badges.”
The 100 year celebrations will commence on the July 1 2023. Details of events taking place can be found by visiting