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Have you been out of education for a while, but hope to progress to university to pursue your dream career in the near future?

If the answer is yes, and you're aged 19+, come along to Newcastle College and join us for an informal chat to see how we could help you to transform your future.

NSCG's programme of Access to Higher Education Diplomas are aimed to help you to progress to study a higher education qualification in the near future as an adult learner aged 19+. With school-friendly and evening study available, there's never been a better time to return to education.

Our friendly and welcoming team will be on hand during the events to chat to you about our range of fast track Access to HE Diplomas, your career ambitions and what skills we can help you to develop to get you to where you want to be in your career.

If you're hoping for a career in education, health and social care, criminology, law or a range of public services, an Access to HE Diploma is a great option to consider.

Access to HE Drop-in dates:

Thursday 13 February: 4pm - 5pm

Friday 14 March: 2.30pm - 3.30pm

Thursday 10 April: 4pm - 5pm

Friday 23 May: 2.30pm - 3.30pm

Thursday 19 June: 4pm - 5pm

Let's talk finance

Don't be put off by the cost of the course, as an Advanced Learner Loan is open to anyone aged over 19 studying a Level 3 or above qualification, is not means tested or subject to credit checks. If you successfully complete your Access to HE course, progress onto and complete a degree, you do not have to pay back your Advanced Learner Loan.

If you're aged 19-23 and studying your first full-time Level 3 programme your course will be completely free.

If you'd like to attend and are 19+, complete the registration form below.

For more information, email 

Book your place by filling out our registration form below.