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Your title (tick one box only)
Secondary contact details (please give details of parent/guardian who is supporting this application if applicable)
Non UK/EU National students - please provide a copy of your passport. If under 18, please provide a copy of your parent/ guardian’s passport.
Select one option only
Please write as: First name, Surname, Relationship to you, Age (if under 18). Maximum of 8 people
Please use this space to explain why you are applying for financial support. Please tell us everything we might need to know relating to this application and what kind of expenses you would like to receive help with, e.g. travel costs to and from College, essential equipment costs, any financial barriers you have, help with course fees etc.
Please indicate all income/benefits that your household is receiving. Evidence of income/benefits MUST be included with your application. Please note: we do not accept bank statements. Your household must be in receipt of all benefits available to you before your application can be considered.
(Please provide 3 recent wage slips)
(Please provide your most recent Self Assessment tax calculation/letter from accountant)
(Please provide all pages of an entitlement letter/P60)
(Please provide your 3 most recent Universal Credit award statements and ensure that all sections of the online statement are visible)
(Please provide all pages of your most recent Tax Credit Award)
(Please provide all pages of a letter confirming benefits no more than 6 months old)
(Please provide all pages of an entitlement letter confirming benefits)
(Please provide all pages of an entitlement letter)
(Please provide evidence of income received)
(Please provide all pages of your most recent entitlement letter)
UPLOAD DOCUMENTS: Please upload all relevant evidence. Failure to do so will result in the application process being delayed. The maximum total file size is 4MB. If you are struggling to upload all relevant evidence here, please email your relevant evidence to quoting your full name and date of birth.
Please ensure that you have uploaded all supporting evidence before submitting your application form. If you have any queries, please contact the Student Finance Team.
Newcastle and Stafford Colleges Group collects information about all students for various administrative, academic and health and safety reasons. In accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018, by signing this form you are consenting to the College processing data held about you. This data consists of the following