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Newcastle College Celebrates Inspirational Students with February 'Student of the Month' Awards

04 April 2023

Each month Newcastle and Stafford Colleges Group hold a ‘Student of the Month’ awards presentation that recognises the individual effort, progress and dedication of students who show outstanding commitment throughout the year.

Highlighting and recognising incredible students, the presentations included a number of inspirational stories from staff about their nominees who have gone above and beyond on their chosen course area.

We were pleased to welcome friend of the College and former MP for Stafford, Jeremy Lefroy, as our special guest for this month's awards.

Dilara Altindas

Nominated for the Award for the Faculty of Academic and Creative Studies, Dilara has shown herself to be a totally committed artist and 3D modeller, demonstrating very high levels of achievement, unwavering determination and focus for her work. Dilara is currently on target to achieve the highest grade possible, having gained maximum marks in everything she has done since the start of the course. She has an amazing sense of forward thinking, continually striving to keep doing more and working to be the best concept artist she can. Dilara is currently working well above Level 3, her tutor is confident that she will ease into university next year. Dilara is immensely proud of her Turkish heritage and is proud to be a Muslim, everyone at NSCG is amazed by her dedication and sense of what she can do with her place in the world. Congratulations!


Samadi Narasingha

Nominated for the Award for the Faculty of Academic and Creative Studies, Samadi is recognised as an articulate, focused, well rounded and immensely driven learner. Having relocated to this area, Samadi has settled extremely well into college life, taking responsibility for her own development, learning and progression, along with volunteering to be the Student Rep in the first few weeks of her time at college. Samadi’s future progression path is clearly visible in passion for Immigration Law and Human Rights, already having clear goals in place to pursue her career with the legal sector, having secured work experience with the Citizen’s Advice Bureau. With her admirable work ethic and inspirational drive, we are certain that Samadi will succeed in her chosen career. Congratulations!

Mohammed Sajjad

Nominated for the Award for the Faculty of Professional Studies, Mohammed has shown himself to be a thoroughly conscientious student, completely applying himself to his course and taking on all the opportunities that college life has presented. Mohammed recently applied to Challenger Sports to undertake work over the summer, and following a successful interview and practical assessment in Manchester, he successfully secured a position in Chicago! In his spare time, Mohammed supports the charity Dizzy Heights, working with young people on learning opportunities, social development and physical activities. Mohammed consistently displays a fantastic attitude to every single task, and is a great role model to his peers. Congratulations!


Congratulations to all other students with their outstanding achievements and admirable commitment to their studies.

Kenzi Shepherd-Moss - Vocational Studies Award

Megan Grocott - Vocational Studies Award

Sha Owusu - Vocational Studies Award

Liam Johnson - Vocational Studies Award

Zachary Smith - Maths and English Award

Macey Smith - Apprentice of the Month Award

Natasha White - Skills & Technology Award